Improvement of the construction industry management of Latvia based on the experience of construction eco-labelling in Scandinavia




construction industry, eco-labeling of buildings, experience introduction, building materials, Basta, Swan


The object of research is the construction industry in Latvia. This branch of the national economy of Latvia has experienced significant downturns and ups in recent years. The study of the causes and consequences of these fluctuations is important for the country's economy. Among the significant shortcomings can be called a high level of shadow economy in construction, the use of poor-quality building materials, a shortage of labor at all levels of the industry, a long bureaucratic way in the preparation of documents.

Improvement of the Latvian construction industry is possible with the involvement of foreign experience. On an example of the countries of Scandinavia one of the important stages of formation of qualitative and ecological construction is considered. In the Nordic countries, since 1989, a system of eco-labeling of buildings has been applied to buildings commissioned. These documents confirm the use of high-quality building materials, energy efficiency of the building, certification of the company and used materials. Documents on eco-labeling are necessary for residential buildings, private houses and all types of educational institutions and kindergartens. This means that only materials that have been rigorously selected for quality and chemical composition are used for construction.

Using the experience of working with Scandinavian clients, the author has studied the experience of implementing the eco-labeling system of buildings, as well as collected the necessary information to study the research topic and determine the approaches to the Nordic experience in the construction industry in Latvia. The introduction of eco-labeling of buildings and passports into private homes, multi-storey residential buildings, schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions will lead to the use of better construction materials and also to an understanding of the responsibility of general construction contractors, construction companies, and suppliers of building materials. Also, the use of environmental building materials in residential and educational institutions will lead to better health of the population, in particular, to reducing allergies and diseases of the respiratory system.

The introduction of eco-labels and passports for buildings should be introduced at the state level, and the requirements of the European Union for the use of environmental materials in construction should be adapted for Latvia. It is important to competently and systematically develop a model for the introduction of modern management approaches to the construction industry based on the experience of advanced countries. Toughening requirements for all stages of the construction process, using safe building materials, as well as strengthening labor protection requirements, will improve the quality of the entire construction industry as a whole. The introduction of eco-labeling systems will take time, but will lead to positive results.

Author Biography

Inara Lisa, Baltic International Academy, 4, Lomonosova str., Riga, Latvia, LV-1019

Doctoral Student


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How to Cite

Lisa, I. (2018). Improvement of the construction industry management of Latvia based on the experience of construction eco-labelling in Scandinavia. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(5(42), 11–17.



Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy: Original Research